Total games played : 1,217
Average score : 339,538,647
Daniel Bradford's average score : 165,969,720
View Top Scores for Road Show
Rank | Player | Score | Event |
1 | Andy Foster | 4,153,391,270 | 2020 Northern League - Meet 2 |
332 | Daniel Bradford | 383,021,600 | 2017 London and South East League - Meet 4 |
444 | Daniel Bradford | 285,286,400 | 2015 London and South East League - Meet 1 |
594 | Daniel Bradford | 215,605,510 | 2013 London and South East League - Meet 1 |
644 | Daniel Bradford | 197,818,220 | 2016 London and South East League - Meet 3 |
782 | Daniel Bradford | 151,700,070 | 2017 London and South East League - Meet 1 |
885 | Daniel Bradford | 128,298,600 | 2014 London and South East League - Meet 2 |
916 | Daniel Bradford | 122,129,910 | 2010 London and South East League - Meet 6 |
984 | Daniel Bradford | 106,640,090 | 2017 London and South East League - Meet 3 |
1017 | Daniel Bradford | 98,543,240 | 2014 London and South East League - Meet 4 |
1105 | Daniel Bradford | 78,674,670 | 2011 London and South East League - Meet 5 |
1171 | Daniel Bradford | 57,948,620 | 2012 London and South East League - Meet 1 |
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