Sandra Linton

Sandra Linton has played 18 games across 17 different machines.

Machines played.

Click on the played count for a breakdown of all of Sandra Linton's recorded scores on that machine. Click on column headings to sort.

Machine ▲PlaysBestRank
Black Rose 1 5,055,950 293
Congo 1 93,971,680 288
Hot Shots 1 2,191,180 8
Indiana Jones (Williams) 1 36,061,000 772
Lord of the Rings 1 733,510 645
Monster Bash 1 11,180,340 551
Raven 1 201,630 120
Robo-War 1 230,030 179
Scared Stiff 1 1,713,470 726
Spider-Man 1 8,933,480 956
Swords of Fury 1 248,460 195
Tales of the Arabian Nights 1 3,320,760 377
The Flintstones 1 77,603,100 425
Theatre of Magic 1 237,050,210 411
TRON 2 3,560,720 910
TX-Sector 1 133,750 269
White Water 1 16,880,660 1,521