Christophe Adam

Christophe Adam has played 110 games across 64 different machines.

Machines played.

Click on the played count for a breakdown of all of Christophe Adam's recorded scores on that machine. Click on column headings to sort.

Machine ▲PlaysBestRank
AC/DC 1 6,981,140 1,024
Alien Poker 2 653,080 59
Attack from Mars 2 4,289,879,510 229
Barracora 1 2,840,710 4
Black Knight 2000 1 573,750 228
Black Rose 1 29,348,160 54
Bram Stoker's Dracula 1 40,894,860 405
Bride of Pinbot 1 3,114,130 308
Centaur 1 119,600 388
Cow Poke 3 1,820 85
Creature from the Black Lagoon 2 68,282,630 548
Demolition Man 2 203,904,870 258
Dr. Dude And His Excellent Ray 3 3,765,650 39
F-14 Tomcat 4 818,080 216
Firepower 1 37,600 113
Flash 2 586,510 10
Funhouse 3 5,932,850 108
Ghostbusters 1 16,915,720 451
Gorgar 1 154,520 54
Guardians of the Galaxy 1 4,647,010 389
Hurricane 1 4,706,400 131
Indiana Jones (Williams) 1 159,319,750 252
Indianapolis 500 1 230,148,560 187
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast 1 29,937,520 443
Jack in the Box 2 31,170 86
Joker Poker 1 199,120 49
Jungle Lord 4 721,330 17
Medieval Madness 1 24,410,150 476
Meteor 1 254,000 39
Monster Bash 1 17,727,630 456
Nautilus 1 1,922,800 155
NBA Fastbreak 2 48 110
NBA Fastbreak 2 48 110
NBA Fastbreak 2 48 110
NBA Fastbreak 2 48 110
NBA Fastbreak 2 48 110
NBA Fastbreak 2 48 110
No Good Gofers 2 5,420,330 138
Party Animal 1 993,960 8
Pinbot 2 620,150 40
Pirates of the Caribbean (Stern) 2 8,035,090 329
Police Force 1 1,851,280 53
Revenge from Mars 1 22,557,910 790
Ripley's Believe it or Not! 1 1,754,070 275
Road Show 2 188,583,050 673
Rocky and Bullwinkle 2 74,960,760 237
Scared Stiff 1 5,381,150 371
Sing Along 3 2,714 36
Skateball 1 141,800 42
Spectrum 2 365,710 82
Spider-Man 2 61,722,630 343
Star Trek Next Generation 3 398,296,870 317
Surf Champ 1 75,890 4
Tales of the Arabian Nights 4 11,951,470 135
Taxi 1 1,792,720 84
The Addams Family 1 117,516,750 346
The Avengers 1 7,518,820 62
The Bally Game Show 1 4,746,350 24
The Getaway: High Speed II 1 35,318,970 810
The Party Zone 1 5,678,460 176
The Shadow 6 607,635,280 55
The Wizard of Oz 3 67,010 177
Theatre of Magic 1 932,260,670 86
Twilight Zone 3 182,486,070 710
Warlok 2 291,810 77
White Water 4 156,103,650 407
World Cup Soccer 1 623,516,500 136
WWF Royal Rumble 1 320,315,270 57
Zip-a-Doo 1 14,150 17