Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre has played 11 games across 11 different machines.

Machines played.

Click on the played count for a breakdown of all of Jane Eyre's recorded scores on that machine. Click on column headings to sort.

Machine ▲PlaysBestRank
Attack from Mars 1 1,772,816,120 763
Barracora 1 176,070 118
Bride of Pinbot 1 1,774,870 425
Cirqus Voltaire 1 50,573,810 16
Indiana Jones (Williams) 1 59,441,440 611
Monster Bash 1 23,450,270 380
No Good Gofers 1 2,667,210 213
Revenge from Mars 1 145,528,140 150
Scared Stiff 1 7,567,950 261
Theatre of Magic 1 397,580,980 289
Whirlwind 1 2,636,240 148