Duncan Wallace

Duncan Wallace has played 96 games across 34 different machines.

Machines played.

Click on the played count for a breakdown of all of Duncan Wallace's recorded scores on that machine. Click on column headings to sort.

Machine ▲PlaysBestRank
4 Square 1 1,653 6
AC/DC 1 27,720,410 389
Aerobatics 1 288,000 311
Apollo 13 3 1,111,463,080 29
Batman Forever 2 1,112,259,670 18
Batman: The Dark Knight 2 29,326,840 277
Bram Stoker's Dracula 4 56,221,860 303
Bride of Pinbot 1 3,115,670 307
Cactus Canyon 2 8,725,110 191
Champion Pub 4 43,980,860 24
Fortune 9 1,062,100 20
Indiana Jones (Stern) 1 38,532,380 56
Indiana Jones (Williams) 1 26,900,320 853
Judge Dredd 11 239,403,610 92
Lord of the Rings 1 13,678,360 340
Metallica 1 6,523,130 641
Mr. & Mrs. Pac-Man 3 1,022,540 68
NBA Fastbreak 1 43 127
NBA Fastbreak 1 43 127
NBA Fastbreak 1 43 127
NBA Fastbreak 1 43 127
NBA Fastbreak 1 43 127
Pinbot 2 1,808,580 7
Revenge from Mars 2 157,551,410 128
South Park 1 36,426,010 32
Spider-Man 2 45,616,830 476
Star Trek Next Generation 1 125,970,210 802
Star Wars (Data East) 1 25,284,160 210
Taxi 1 1,164,560 192
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines 1 24,966,430 186
The Bally Game Show 3 4,055,190 30
The Getaway: High Speed II 9 140,104,040 117
The Incredible Hulk 9 199,940 14
The X Files 2 4,704,320 73
TRON 1 4,947,170 861
White Water 3 129,440,640 507
Wing Ding 1 2,274 2
World Cup Soccer 8 898,660,880 53